“The Play’s The Thing” (William Shakespeare, Hamlet)

Using Clipper yearbooks, we compiled a list of Spring musicals performed at Xaverian over the years. The list was expanded and edited with the help of Bro. Clem, John Yannello '64, Donald Salvato '82, Vincent Raimondo '97 and Stephanie Lorenzo.  You will find the list to date here.

We are now endeavoring to acquire a complete collection of programs associated with the shows. Most contain valuable information such as the names of the actors, stage crew members, production staff and more.  Shows marke "P" indicate that we already have the program either in print or a digital image.  Can you help fill in any of the blanks?  If so, please email a scanned or photographed copy. Email to archives@sxtcyb.com.
If you wish to donate originals, we will make sure they are cataloged and safely stored for future generations. Items should be sent to attention of Sigfried / Archives, 7100 Shore Road, &c.


Established in 1957, Xaverian is one of thirteen schools nationwide sponsored by the Xaverian Brothers.